Train rides for the little ones
The Scrambler - we've all been on it
The fete grounds were on an oval close to the school
Getting the Lucky Dip booth ready
Japanese food booth
Shooting galleries and a small - a really tiny - ferris wheel
The Round Up
Camel rides on the lower oval
A climbing wall
Sack slides
The police with their radar gun clocking kids running
Crafts, art, books, baked goods
and of course - lollies!
No good school fete can be successful without a bar and beer
Flowerpots for sale painted by Nancy's year 1 students
The Lego exhibition
An audience awaiting the talent contest and, given the hot day, resting their weary feet
Budding Celtic dancers
The Cent Auction
The lucky dip booth - pick a ticket, if the number ends with 0, 3, 6, or 9 you win a baggie of trinkets and treats. We had over 500 bags of treats donated for this booth!
Marching band
Easter Bonnet parade
with, of course, the Easter Bunny
Alice the Moose with her weekend mentors. She has a new Easter dress for the fete
No carnival can conclude without the requisite fireworks - in this case at 7:00 PM