Saturday, July 27, 2013

Monthly Time Trials

There's not a lot of new news to report as life and work have been routinely unfolding.  We recently attended a "Christmas in July" turkey supper put on by a member of the Queensland Teachers' Exchange League which was quite nice.  It's a bit of an odd celebration - having Xmas in July - but it is the coldest time of year here and suitable for cooking turkeys and the trimmings. We enjoyed ourselves and had a great meal and a gift exchange.  It was nice to catch up with some of the other exchangees, too.

Nancy and I have been trying to run a little bit and today was the Bayside Runners and Walkers monthly time trial.  Nancy had a great run and was fleet of foot whereas I started OK but then died. It was (mostly) fun though.  We both ended up with personal best times, so were happy.

How do you spell pain? R-U-N-N-I-N-G

On her way to a personal best time  (26:03)

Closing fast on a fellow runner.  It was close-but-not-quite at the end

Sunday, July 7, 2013


After our run on Mission Beach, we showered and headed north. We drove through little towns along the "Canecutters Way".   At the town of Johnstone, the sugar mill was working and the town smelled like molasses!   We saw the cane train going right down the middle of Main Street to the sugar mill.   Next, we stopped at the sugar museum where we learned how sugar is made from cane along with the history of the industry. Then onwards to the Atherton tablelands to see Millaa Millaa falls, Zinnia falls, and Elijaa falls. There was beautiful scenery on every hand up here - very green and rolling. We stayed at a little caravan park for the evening. Reputedly there were platypuses in the area!!!!!!   We didn't see them though :(

A sugar cane train

The Johnstone sugar plant during the "crush"
A cane train on it\s way to the plant

Millaa Millaa falls
Millaa Millaa falls

Atherton Tablelands
July 1 (Happy Canada Day!)
After brekkie, we headed out to a nearby Hugh's lookout - it was spectacular!   A big spreading tree with a stone picnic table underneath and 360 degree views of the rolling tablelands, all green and velvety under the bright blue sky.  We looked for the platypus park next but couldn't find it.   We stopped at the curtain fig tree - it's amazing the way they take over another tree in order to grow and survive - and then stopped in Atherton for a bite at the bakery and  to take a picture in front of the Canada window display of a local business. We drove down the Gillies highway - 263 curves - and arrived in Cairns in time for lunch with Laurie (a friend we made in Albany in 2008).   After eating, we went for a walk on the esplanade in the afternoon and had a look around the Cairn's waterfront.   Ran into a bunch of Canadian backpackers having a celebratory Canada Day barbecue on the promenade.   I was wearing my new Canada t-shirt so they cheered us.   Had a lovely dinner and visited with Laurie and Neil in the evening.
At the Curtain fig tree
The curtain fig tree
Hugh's lookout
Canada day in Atherton!
July 2 (Tuesday)
Neil was working so the three of us headed up north to Cape Tribulation.   We drove through the rainforest, across the Daintree river and along the beaches to Cape Tribulation. We went up to the lookout over the long white beach at Tribuation, then walked along it. Enroute to a crocodile tour of the river, we stopped at Thorton beach for a picnic lunch, then at the Rainforest ice cream stall in an orchard on the side of the highway for a cup of delicious ice creams (raspberry, wattleseed, jackfruit, coconut).   We took 2 river cruises to spot crocodiles (4 big ones - 4 m+ - and 3 babies) and other wildlife and flora.   Saw the blue kingfishers, too. 
Nancy and Laurie comparing notes
At a look out enroute to Cape Tribulation
On the ferry across the Daintree river enroute to Cape Tribulation
Walking through a mangrove forest
A view through a mangrove forest
Near the Daintree
These cautionary signs are near every body if water in northern Australia
Cape Tribulation
Lunch at Thorton beach on the way to crocodile tours
Ice cream stop!!!
I can see you!
The saltwater portion of the Daintree River
"Scarface" - at 4.4m in length and 80 to a 100 years old, he's the dominant male within a few kms.
A small tributary of the Daintree River
A female crocodile - this lady is about 3 to 3.3 meters long and about 40 years old

The upper Daintree River with an overhanging, 10,000 year old rainforest

Trying to get a little more heat before the sun disappears

July 3 (Wednesday - Boyd's 55 birthday)
Boyd and I took the old scenic train up to Kuranda - lovely views - and met Laurie and Neil in the Kuranda markets at the top. We went for a lovely lunch and a walk around town. Visited the markets and picked up gifts for Madeline and Grace and had tea at a quaint, little Japanese tea house.   We went for a walk through the woods and along the Barranda river, then headed back to Cairns.   We played a few games of cards and had some blue cheese and snacks, then went out for dinner at a local Thai place for Boyd's birthday before an evening walk along the esplanade.

Here comes the train!
Rounding a bend
In the carriage
Rounding a trestle on the way up
Rounding a trestle on the way up

Barranda Falls
Barranda Falls
Looking eastward toward the sea
Barranda Falls
Barranda Falls

At a Japanese teahouse in Kuranda

At a Japanese teahouse in Kuranda

A short hike in Kuranda
A celebratory birthday dinner (or tea) at Thai Coins
A celebratory birthday dinner (or tea) at Thai Coins
July 4 (Thursday)
In the morning we went for an invigorating 7 km walk up Mt. Whitfield in the drizzly rain - it was a good, brisk hike through the misty rainforest.   Early in the afternoon we went to Linda and Jeff's (friends of Laurie and Neil) for a wonderful lunch.  They have a lovely place up in the hills overlooking the city and the harbour.   We had a 4th of July picnic (she is American) and visited all afternoon.   A game of euchre after dinner rounded out the day.
Boyd's birthday dessert/4th of July dessert

The esplanade in Cairns

The esplanade in Cairns

The Botanical Gardens in Cairns

The esplanade in Cairns

July 5 (Friday)
Boyd, Neil and Jeff golfed 18 holes at Gordonvale in the morning - Boyd's first time golfing in 5 years - while Laurie and I went down to the market and had coffee and did a bit of shopping. I picked up a nice sundress and a few tops and souvenirs for the kids. 

Saturday morning, Laurie and I went for a 5k run along the esplanade before breakfast.  After saying our goodbyes,  Boyd and I moved to a little guesthouse right on the esplanade as Laurie and Neil had other company arriving.  We thoroughly enjoyed our visit with them and appreciate their hospitality.  We went out to the botanic gardens and had a wander around, then down to the banjo festival on the esplanade.  They were trying to beat the Guinness Book of World records for having the most banjo players playing one song.  They had 1663 but needed over 2500.  We looked around downtown before having dinner at a delicous Vietnamese place and an early evening before heading to the airport bright and early on Sunday.  We were home in Cleveland by 10:30 a.m. to get groceries, laundry and schoolwork done. 

It was a lovely, warm, relaxing holiday!