Sunday, September 29, 2013

Bird Sanctuary and Bundaberg distillery

After seeing the Hervey Bay Fraser Island area we turned northward to drive to the Agnes Water. En route we stopped off in Appletreeand  Bird Sanctuary  The birds, one in particular, were adept pickpockets and tried to undo the strap to Nancy's watch.There were all kinds of birds there - some of which sat on our shoulders and wouldn't leave! Next was the rum distillary in Bundaberg. Bungaberg rum is quite popular in Australia and the tour , led by two young blokes, was quite interesting. The quides -  Sam and Scott, were excellent and we had a great time. The tour finished in the bar where we could try 2 of the rum drinks they make. Yes, Nancy did partake and had a liqueur and it was so nice she and Susie each bought a bottle of! It was lovely to sit on the cool breezy verandah on a very hot day and sip ice cold ginger beer and rum drinks - huzzah!




Where did that little guy go?

She has a watch on!

I must have that watch!


Emus in the shade


Do you want to be my friend?

If I pretend to like this human.....................

Where is that damn watch?

OK, OK I'll sit on your shoulder just like every darn tourist.

The sugar mill in Bundaberg
Getting ready for the rum distillery tour.

Why a polar bear in Australia of all places?

Um, no this is not full of rum.




A post tour nip.

Relaxing in the shade on a veranda sipping a rum/clocolate/coffee liquer

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