Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Our last day in Tasmania

After awakening and slowly getting ready for the day we gradually made our way to Launceston where we had to drop off our campervan and fly out at 4:45pm..  By the end of the day we will have driven, some of it with white knuckled fear, for 2071 kilometers.

Because we had a few hours to spare we decided to drive along the Tamar River and visit the Platypus House. We just caught the beginning of a guided tour and spent a short time looking at this fascinating and unique animal.

 We weren't allowed to use flash photography - which we agree with - so getting a good picture with our little point and shoot camera was impossible.Just squint and imagine little otters with duck bills!
 In addition to platypuses (?) there were a number of cute echidna running around in their own room.

After a little picnic we drove to Launceston on the other side of the Tamar River via Batman Bridge.We never did see Robins Bridge.

 Goodbye Tasmania!!  

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