Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Wellington Point and Koala Sightings

We spent the day doing chores, both about the house and in town, and generally getting the lay of the land including navigating roundabouts. While we haven't had the temperatures currently being experienced by our fellow exchangees and Australians to the south and in the interior, we continued to find it terribly hot - at least I (Boyd) did. Today was 34C to 35C degrees in the shade on our patio and no doubt several degrees hotter in the intense afternoon sun. We are fortunate to have a lovely shady patio and a cool(er) breeze is usually blowing.

We had to do a little shopping and even some of the locals were saying that, while the heat was great and they were enjoying it, the high humidity of approximately 90%+ was draining. Nevertheless we forged on.

To cool down a little by getting closer to a sea breeze we decided to pack a nice picnic and drive down to Wellington Point Park for supper. While there we walked out to King's Island via a narrow sand isthmus that rises from the ocean at low tide.

After a bit of a saunter on the beach, a rest, and a bite to eat we headed back to Cleveland (Australia!).Upon arriving home just before sunset we walked over to a local park about 5 blocks from our house that was supposedly renowned for having a small population of "wild" koalas. And yes, there was success! After only a half hour of craning our necks to the heavens we spotted one sitting on a tree branch. In addition to that, a kind couple pointed out a kookaburra and its nest in a burl created by termites.


Another nice day had by all.

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