Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Start of School in Australia

I've been back at school for a week now.  Three days of staff meetings and planning last week, then a long weekend of wild weather and working on school things.  Tuesday, the kids showed up. We've had a busy few days together - I forgot how needy grade one students are at the beginning of the year!  I am gradually finding my way around the school and the grounds.  It has 500+ students from prep (kindergarten) to grade 7 and it is in many different buildings.  The washrooms and the music room are a short walk across the grounds and it is about a 5 minute walk (for grade ones) through the playgrounds, and under the other buildings to the hall for their gym class and for Monday parade (assembly).  I have only been in a few buildings so far, but I will explore more when I have time.
Staffroom and office building.

 Several of the classrooms are raised up and have playing and eating areas underneath.
 One of the many bubblers (water fountains) around the grounds.
 Students eat their lunch in the shade under the buildings.

 This is the shaded play area in front of my class.  (my room is on the left)  Most of the area around the school buildings is under cover like this - for protection from the sun and the rain as the kids and teachers move between rooms.
 My room - with welcoming maple leaves on the door which latches open during the day to let the breezes in.
 We eat our snack here outside my room.
 The walkway outside my class - the yellow lines are where the kids line up so they are not in the way of the passing students.
 My room.  All the windows open (no screens!) and the walls are all louvered and open too.  I don't open the back wall because there is a garden outside that may be harbouring large spiders and snakes!
My class is separated from the next grade one class by a folding door.  Makes it easy to share planning, supplies, and later, groups.  Note the four ceiling fans.  They are very necessary but make it difficult for the kids to cut and paste as little pieces of paper go flying about the room!
 The red door on the left leads to an airconditioned room that houses the computer hub for the school.  Margaret (the other grade one teacher) and I have sole use of the workroom there that has a little kitchen area, desks and work space and a large empty room that we take both classes into after recesses for a story and time to cool down.  It is a nice perk!
 Alice the moose and I ready for our first day.  The kids are very excited to take her home each weekend and show her life in Australia.

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